Falcon's newest Ying Yang Series cues are here!


The ancient concept of Ying Yang  is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. The two opposites attract andncomplement each other, just like how Falcon professional billiard cue complements its user.




Falcon New Elite EL Series


We have launched our newest inlay cue series the EL, Eite series cues. The Elite series cues consist of 3 designs and was designed for pool players with all playing levels in mind and was made with the best materials available in the market today. The entire cue is 58" in total length (29" shaft and 29" butt), the shaft was made with genuine kiln dried and hand selected premium grade Canadian maple in professional taper specificaiton. The shaft is equipped with Falcon's premium hand made 13mm multi-layer leather tip (medium hardness) with durable ferrule materials made in the USA. For the best durability, the shaft and butt is connected via Falcon's traditional and reliable 5/16 14T joint system with hand polished stainless joint collar for ultimate protection. The butt was made with  Canadian grade A maple and stained in multiple layers of black paint and top coat for longer lasting results. The cue designs features exotic inlay materials such as blue turquoi ...






Falconcues Website Reopen

